Kekwete taking medicine |
Hello friends of Angel House!
It is an exciting time to be in Tanzania. The students are on their third week of census break, and while the secondary school kids are still taking classes in the morning to prepare for their upcoming exams, the younger kids are done with theirs and are now able to rest at the house, to play and to do chores and build relationships and to dream. It is a beautiful thing to see them enjoying their lives to the fullest.
Angel House recently opened their doors to a couple of new girls, Rachel and Paskalia. Rachel is seven and is settling in well. It is clear that a lot of responsibility has been placed on her shoulders, and she handles it well. She is already helpful to the younger kids and is studious and hardworking. One of the neatest things to see is how she is learning to have fun. She was a little reluctant to warm up to the staff and the missionaries at first, but she and I share a bond, a name bond. She now comes running when we walk through the gate and gives us a hug. She is a wonderful addition to Angel House.
Paskalia is five, and has so much personality. She decided almost immediately that she likes attention and play. She loves to play the copy game, and likes to be tickled and chased and to learn English. She has big, wide eyes that are alive with wonder at every new thing she sees. She bats her adoring eyelashes in our direction all of the time and can't leave us alone. She didn't know what to think of her first hug or first sheet of stickers or the way we take our time out to play with the kids. She is still learning her role among all of her new brothers and sisters, but she is coming into her own.
Savannah caring for Wambura while he had malaria |
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Nossi, Rachel and Bonge taking a moment to pose while walking to the river for swimming |
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New girl Rachel |
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Swim time! |
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New girl Paskalia |
Savannah washing Paskalia's head. |
We, the missionaries are teaching a computer class to the secondary school students. Right now, we are just focusing on the Angel House kids. We kind of have our work cut out for us, but we are seeing progress. We have taken the time out to de-virus all of the computers and now are teaching a typing class, using the home-row keys, along with some computer task orientation. Our next project is to write an internet safety course so that students must take and pass it before using the internet. We are also requiring them to type a certain number of words per minute with accuracy before they are allowed to use the internet. We want them to truly learn to be computer savvy before leaving school, so that they might have another option when it comes to employment.
Preparations are being made for graduation every day. The students are all chatting and talking about what they will wear to the ceremony. Anna has new clothes for all of the Angel House kids. They are going to look sharp. We have made a brochure and certificates for all of the outstanding students. They are going to wear caps and gowns that have been purchased. It is an exciting and blessed time to be at Angel House Secondary School.
Savannah is learning lots about nursing everyday, from first hand experience. She has taken care of more cases of malaria that I care to count. She has made a white board for the dispensary so that it is easy to keep track of medicines that the kids are taking, and a medical records book too. She has de-fungused all of the younger kids and has de-wormed everyone as well. I am even learning about medicine and nursing, all useful skills. We dewormed the dogs too, something I am familiar with.
Neema and Kekwete having fun at the Mission House |
As for me, I am finding out all that I can about the kids, and turning it into useful information for child sponsors. I was able to help teach a few English courses at the primary school tuition time, and I enjoyed that. I am making the certificates for the graduation ceremony and am on the commication committee in the organizational meetings. My favorite ministry though, is on Sundays after church, where we bring a couple of the younger kids home with us to spend the day as individuals. They get to eat with us and color and watch a movie and play and practice their English. The more I get to know them, the more I love everyone of them. God is good. All of the time. All of the time. God is good.