It was a beautiful day for a graduation. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and there was joy in the air. For many of the students, they are the first among their families to attend school, let alone complete it. They have accomplished so much and have so much to be proud of.
For this American, I can almost forget it is fall. No Halloween decorations in every house, no football season, and no pumpkin spice lattes in every coffee shop. That is something Tarime could use, is a good coffee shop. If I wasn't in touch with the rest of the world, I could almost for get is is fall, with a graduation in the works.
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acrobatic team performs at the Graduation ceremony. Even more impressive, they perform in school uniforms. |
The ceremony started at noon. It was supposed to start at ten, but TIA or This Is Africa. There were speakers and music to keep the crowds happy, and there was visiting with friends and neighbors as well. Parents of the graduates brought gifts and flowers for their kids, and so Savannah, Anna and I made candy sashes for our seven grads from Angel House. Anna couldn't have been more proud of her kids!
The Class of 2012 performs an original song |
At my graduation ceremonies, both from high school and university, I got bored. I'm not even ashamed to admit it. The speeches are so canned, and the atmosphere is dry, considering it should be a celebration. This graduation got it right. Tanzanians like to have a good time, and they turned this into a real party.
The ceremony started with some singing and dancing from some of the students, and then we were treated to a performance by the Angel House kids. They all got new dresses and clothes, and danced the Macarena and the Cha Cha Slide. They were great, perfectly in step, and exceptionally polished. They just about stole the show. Everyone loved them, but how could they not.
We were then given an acrobatic performance to watch, some traditional dancing, a song and a rap. All of the students were allowed to participate, and so they took ownership of their ceremony. The graduates sang a song to the teachers and administration that they wrote themselves. No Pomp and Circumstance or Green Day's Time of Your Life to be heard.
The Angel House kids, performing the Cha Cha Slide |
A special shout-out and thank you to Jostens Corporation for the donation of the caps and gowns. The grads and teachers all had one to wear and everyone looked fantastic in their matching regalia. The students also get bragging rights, because this ceremony had one of the larges groups of Wazungu to be seen at once, with Holly, Tom Jones, the Individual Volunteers, Methodist Missionaries and a bunch of Australian doctors who met the kids the week before. We all sat up front as guests of honor.
The local police were also invited and were asked to give the commencement speech. The officer who spoke gave wonderful advice about following dreams and dreaming big. At least, that is what I think he said. A lot of it was in Swahili.
A beautiful end to a great day |
Certificates were made and handed out to the students who achieved excellence in their studies or extra-curricular activities. All of the students received exit certificates as well. For our students, this isn't the end yet. They still were required to take national exams. Good new though...All of the students from Angel feel very confident about their results and are already making plans for future dreams and goals.
The Angel House kids were great in their performances |
While the ceremony commenced, every person present received a soda to drink, the ultimate sign of hospitality in Tanzania and a welcome treat in the heat of the day. We did get to sit under tents, in comfortable chairs. The sound system was great, very clear sound for all speakers.
Double rainbow, and new clothes. |
After the ceremony, students, parents and guests were treated to a wonderful feast of meat, chicken, fried banana, rice and fruit. I know everyone got enough to eat, and many of the foods were a treat to all of us. The rain started right after the meal began, and stopped about the time the meal ended, so we were able to go outside for pictures and hugs. There was a stunning double rainbow that made for a great backdrop, as well as one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen yet.
Missionaries Savannah Swanner and Rachel Tremis with the lovely Bhoke Magabe and Bhoke Mwita |
Altogether, it was an honor and a privilege to be a part of the graduation ceremony. I sincerely feel that God not only calls us to a place but to be there at a time as well. Big things are happening at Angel House and Angel Secondary, and I am honored to be a part of it all.
Neema and Winnie compare notes and show off their new dresses |
Upcoming Head Boy and Head Girl address the audience |
Head Boy Francis Joseph and Head Girl Asa Joseph address the guests of honor. |
Second Master Benson and the Class of 2012 |
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