Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Littlest Angel

It was a warm and sunny day in Tarime Tanzania. All of the kids at Angel House were enjoying some time off from school; playing ball,  fetching water, just taking time to relax, when all of a sudden, a police truck pulled in the gates. Some where excited, thinking they would get to meet a role model, and some were nervous, thinking "What did I do wrong?" Turns out, nothing. The truck was carrying two women, an officer and a toddler. The women went back to speak to Teddy and Salma, chatted for a few minutes and left the toddler there.

Turns out, the little girl was found on the streets of Tarime, along with her mother who suffers from mental illness. Like so many of the kids, she has learned early on that life is not fair.  Angel House staff were told her name is Esther, and she is two years old. However, the kids couldn't figure out why she wouldn't answer to her name, until she told them, in one of the only words she knows, that her name is Melisa. Right now, she answers to either, especially if someone wants to hold her or feed her.

After a week of TLC, Esther/Melisa is a happy, smiling girl, who follows her new brothers and sisters around all day long and wants to be included. She doesn't say much, but her sharp eyes don't miss anything. She likes attention and cuddles, knows how to play chase, and loves mandazi. Like anyone could blame her for that one. She just wants to be one of the kids, and so far, is getting included very well.

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